A little story for you, should be useful for intermediate students who can understand past narrative tenses. I was getting ready to sit in my car when a gentleman, who was wearing too much gold Jewellery, asked if I wanted some of his horsepower, I chortled and replied "only of you would like some of my street cred." I hadn't seen his car yet and asked him to point it out to me. Well, at the end of the parking lot was this beast! I can't remember much about it, only that it: is 1 of 6 in existence, has a supercharged 4ltr V6 engine which has been bored out to a 4.9ltr, it produces 500 BHP, it takes months to get spare parts and costs a fortune to run! My mighty little midget in comparison: is unique! Has 1.5ltr engine, produces 70 BHP, I can buy parts of the shelf and repair it with sellotape and a shoelace! Gives me 3 times more miles to the litre of fuel! It carries as many people! Lovely cars, but the American muscle car was trumped by a mighty midget! Street cred(ibility) means how well respected you are on the streets. A gopnick wears classic 3 stripe, he's got street cred!

Теги других блогов: past narrative tenses American muscle cars mighty midgets